Year End Steps To Take Now For Your 2022 IRS Tax Return.

Year-end steps you should take right now to improve your 2022 tax return before the 2022 tax filing season starts in 2023. Information about the IRS Fresh Start Initiative.

The IRS May Be About To Crack Down On Reporting Tip Income.

Your tip income is taxable including your noncash tips. What are noncash tips and how do you report them? Is the IRS about to crack down on tips?

The IRS Has Made A Change In The Form Used In Its Offer In Compromise Program.

Want to try filing for an IRS Fresh Start and Offer In Compromise on your own? Sure you can. And here are the steps you’ll have to take. Or call us for a free consultation about what we can do for you.

One Week To Go. What If You Miss The October 17th Deadline For Your 2021 IRS Tax Return?

What if you miss the October 17th deadline for filing your 2021 IRS tax return? For some people it means absolutely nothing. They may not need to file.

The IRS Is Offering “Online Accounts” To Help You See Your Tax Situation In One Place. But Is It Correct?

The IRS is offering a free online account to help you manage your tax debt and to make payments on your payment plan. But there are other things to consider first.

Start On Your 2022 Tax Return Now. This Can Save You Money, Speed Your Refund, And Help You With An IRS Fresh Start.

You should start on your 2022 tax return now. It can help you improve your tax situation, help you improve your family budget, and even help you with the IRS Fresh Start Program.

Some Business And Individual Tax Forms May Have To Be Submitted Again. We May Be Able To Help.

There’s a big red light at the IRS for processing at least 10-million tax filings from businesses and consumers. Call us for a free consultation about how we can help.

Where Is Your IRS Refund? The IRS Has 6-Million Unprocessed Returns As Of September 30th. Some May Have To Send In Their Return Again.

There are still millions of unprocessed tax returns because of Covid pandemic delays and shutdowns at the IRS. Here is an update as of September 30, 2022.