Watch this interview. Our tax resolution expert Tom is going to tell you how easy it is to start the ball rolling for an IRS Fresh Start Initiative.
Our feeling is that the clock is ticking when it comes to getting an IRS Fresh Start Initiative on the best terms for you. We feel that way because the IRS now has about $80-billion dollars to pay for 87,000 new employees to boost enforcement of the tax laws. And there are estimates that about half of that $80-billion will go towards enforcement and that means getting people to pay their tax debts.
Our information also says that the IRS is now training many new agents and soon they’ll not only go to work on new collections and new enforcement, but also they’ll go to work clearing up a huge backlog of cases. You might have heard that the IRS says it is going to concentrate on those earning $400,000 or more per year but our information is that there will be plenty of new IRS agents to go after those with lower earnings.
Our feeling is that the faster you start the process of getting a Fresh Start Program started the better your chances of getting approved for it and the better your conditions linked to the Fresh Start will be.
There is a lot to talk about and it starts with a free telephone consultation with one of our tax resolution experts. It’s an easy phone call to make — and you don’t need your exact financial statistics or copies of your tax returns to have this initial free consultation. In fact you can start the ball rolling with a simple phone call from your car or while you’re having lunch. The important thing is that you get started right away to find out if the Fresh Start Initiative is right for you. Call us. And watch this interview with one of our tax resolution experts who will tell you how simple it is to get started with this free phone consultation.
And because we are committed to help you, you can call our expert Tom directly at his personal phone number 949-359-0810 or at the phone number on this page. If you don’t qualify for the IRS Fresh Start Initiative there are other options that can help you resolve your tax debt. We’ll talk about them also if the IRS Fresh Start Initiative is not a fit for you you. In some cases, you might be able to resolve your debt without our services and without paying any fees and if that’s the right solution for you we will tell you exactly what you should be doing. We are committed to help. That’s our business and that’s what we do. Now, make the call and help yourself while there’s time.