You might be reading this because you’ve heard that the IRS can wipe out some or perhaps all of your tax debt. It’s true. It can happen under the Fresh Start Program, also known as the Fresh Start Initiative. We are here to help you find out if you can qualify for this Fresh Start Program or other programs sometimes referred to as the Offer In Compromise. 

It Can Take As Little As 15 Minutes

It can take as little as 15 minutes to find out if you can qualify for a Fresh Start Program. We’ll be honest with you. Not everyone qualifies, and the IRS judges each taxpayer’s application independently — on a case-by-case basis. But we have years of experience and we can tell you if we think you will qualify for a Fresh Start or for other assistance to help you deal with your tax debt and other IRS issues. 

When taxpayers fill out our Tax Relief Survey, they are able to see if they qualify for the IRS Fresh Start Program and begin their journey toward tax resolution in minutes.

What The Fresh Start Program Can Do 

The Fresh Start Program can offer natural relief to taxpayers who owe thousands of dollars in back taxes. If you don’t owe a lot of money, we can tell you about other tax relief options that are easier to qualify for and can help you resolve your tax issues faster. But if you do owe thousands of dollars, you should know that in some cases, the IRS has wiped out all back taxes owed — that’s 100% of pending tax bills. 

There are a lot of tax relief companies that will tell you this, but you must be careful. In some cases, it’s nothing more than “bait and switch” advertising with unscrupulous tax relief companies trying to sell you other, more expensive services. When you speak with us, you know that our reputation is based on years of honestly representing our client taxpayers. 

Take this 60-Second Quiz to See if You Qualify for the IRS Fresh Start Program.

Take Our Survey 

So take our survey as it’s the first step to see if the Fresh Start Program is right for you and if you will qualify. Then speak with our tax professionals to discuss the options you have and what you need to know to resolve your tax issues. Our first step can take as little as 15 minutes, and we hope those 15 minutes can let you get a full night’s restful sleep. 

We’ll tell you all about the Fresh Start Program and the Offer In Compromise Program that allows you to settle your tax debt for less than the total amount you owe. We’ll also tell you about other tax resolution options. We’ll even tell you what you can do by yourself without paying us any fees.

The IRS is overwhelmed with a backlog of cases caused by the Covid shutdowns, so now is the time to take advantage of that crush of cases. The overload is prompting the IRS to resolve as many cases as possible as quickly as possible.

Take the Quiz