The Internal Revenue Service has just announced the tax year 2023 annual inflation adjustments for more than 60 tax provisions, including the tax rate schedules and other tax changes.
Here are some of the important inflation adjustments for 2023 that will make a difference when you file your 2023 tax returns in 2024. Some of these inflation adjustments apply to common issues such as standard deductions and marginal tax rates and the Earned Income Tax Credit. You should discuss these changes with your tax professional.
- The standard deduction for married couples filing jointly for tax year 2023 rises to $27,700 up $1,800 from the prior year. For single taxpayers and married individuals filing separately, the standard deduction rises to $13,850 for 2023, up $900, and for heads of households, the standard deduction will be $20,800 for tax year 2023, up $1,400 from the amount for tax year 2022.
- Marginal Rates: For tax year 2023, the top tax rate remains 37% for individual single taxpayers with incomes greater than $578,125 ($693,750 for married couples filing jointly).The other rates are:35% for incomes over $231,250 ($462,500 for married couples filing jointly);
32% for incomes over $182,100 ($364,200 for married couples filing jointly);
24% for incomes over $95,375 ($190,750 for married couples filing jointly);
22% for incomes over $44,725 ($89,450 for married couples filing jointly);
12% for incomes over $11,000 ($22,000 for married couples filing jointly).The lowest rate is 10% for incomes of single individuals with incomes of $11,000 or less ($22,000 for married couples filing jointly).
- The Alternative Minimum Tax exemption amount for tax year 2023 is $81,300 and begins to phase out at $578,150 ($126,500 for married couples filing jointly for whom the exemption begins to phase out at $1,156,300). The 2022 exemption amount was $75,900 and began to phase out at $539,900 ($118,100 for married couples filing jointly for whom the exemption began to phase out at $1,079,800).
- The tax year 2023 maximum Earned Income Tax Credit amount is $7,430 for qualifying taxpayers who have three or more qualifying children, up from $6,935 for tax year 2022. The revenue procedure contains a table providing maximum EITC amount for other categories, income thresholds and phase-outs.
- For tax year 2023, the monthly limitation for the qualified transportation fringe benefit and the monthly limitation for qualified parking increases to $300, up $20 from the limit for 2022.
- For the taxable years beginning in 2023, the dollar limitation for employee salary reductions for contributions to health flexible spending arrangements increases to $3,050. For cafeteria plans that permit the carryover of unused amounts, the maximum carryover amount is $610, an increase of $40 from taxable years beginning in 2022.
- For tax year 2023, participants who have self-only coverage in a Medical Savings Account, the plan must have an annual deductible that is not less than $2,650, up $200 from tax year 2022; but not more than $3,950, an increase of $250 from tax year 2022. For self-only coverage, the maximum out-of-pocket expense amount is $5,300, up $350 from 2022. For tax year 2023, for family coverage, the annual deductible is not less than $5,300, up from $4,950 for 2022; however, the deductible cannot be more than $7,900, up $500 from the limit for tax year 2022. For family coverage, the out-of-pocket expense limit is $9,650 for tax year 2023, an increase of $600 from tax year 2022.
- For tax year 2023, the foreign earned income exclusion is $120,000 up from $112,000 for tax year 2022.
- Estates of decedents who die during 2023 have a basic exclusion amount of $12,920,000, up from a total of $12,060,000 for estates of decedents who died in 2022.
- The annual exclusion for gifts increases to $17,000 for calendar year 2023, up from $16,000 for calendar year 2021.
- The maximum credit allowed for adoptions for tax year 2023 is the amount of qualified adoption expenses up to $15,950, up from $14,890 for 2022
It is important that you talk with your tax professional about these changes. They can impact your tax planning.
We offer a free consultation with our tax professionals and can call and ask about these changes or ask about any other tax issue you might be facing. We can also discuss the IRS Fresh Start Initiative and the IRS Offer In Compromise Program. We can also discuss with you where your tax refund is? We might be able to help you track it down. If you run a business, our tax professionals can discuss with you handling your tax situation so you can concentrate on your business.
The video below explains to you how easy it is to have this free telephone consultation with one of our tax resolution experts, and they can help you on any other tax issue you face, including state tax issues.
Use the free consultation offer we offer to help clear up your tax situation now and give yourself a fresh start in 2023. And if you should decide to use another tax professional for your tax professional remember that you can get a second opinion from us.