Now Is The Time To Clear Up Your IRS Issues
This is the time for you to take action on your IRS tax issues. The IRS is clearing up its backlog caused by the Covid pandemic shutdowns, and soon the IRS will be stepping up its collection efforts. You can beat the IRS to the punch and take action first, and if you do, it could mean you’ll save on interest and penalties, and aggravation. The IRS Fresh Start Programs, including the Offer In Compromise, can save you.
Fresh Start Initiative Basics
The Fresh Start Program, also known as The Fresh Start Initiative, is a program that the IRS uses to help taxpayers who would never be able to pay off their outstanding tax debts. One of the reasons the IRS offers it is to help taxpayers not only clear up their own balance sheets but also to get them back into compliance with the tax system for the future.
But not everyone qualifies for the Fresh Start Initiative — or needs it. You might find that there are more accessible and simpler methods to clear up your tax problems. You might even find that if you file tax returns from previous years that you’ve ignored, you might be entitled to refunds. There are also payment plans available that are easier to qualify for.
What The Fresh Start Initiative Can Do
Under certain circumstances — and these circumstances are considered on a case-by-case basis — the Fresh Start Initiative allows the IRS to partially forgive tax debt. In some cases, a lot of tax debt can be forgiven. But you should consult with a tax professional to know how the IRS might view your case.
To see if you qualify for the Fresh Start Program, for an Offer In Compromise, or for other tax help, check out our free resources. Soon the IRS will clear up its Covid backlog, and taking action before the IRS takes action can help you. Some observers have noted that the IRS may be more lenient now about clearing up cases because that will help them clear up their backlog. You might want to take advantage of that while you can.
See if you qualify for the Fresh Start Program today!
It is 100% FREE to see if you qualify. Don’t let 2022 end while you still have unresolved tax debt!
- Answer a few questions about your finances
- Qualify and be presented with a resolution
- Enroll in Fresh Start
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